

Hyundai D4ea dwigateli üçin ýokary hilli kamera - Ygtybarly saýlawyňyz

  • Markanyň ady:Yylex
  • Motoryň modeli:Hyundai D4ea üçin
  • Material:DURMUŞ Demir
  • Paket:Bitarap gaplamak
  • MOQ:20 sany
  • Kepillik:1 ýyl
  • Hil:OEM
  • Eltip beriş wagty:5 günüň içinde
  • : Agdaýy:100% Täze
  • Önümiň jikme-jigi

    Önüm bellikleri

    Önümiň beýany

    Kamadakylarymyzyň iň ýokary hilini üpjün etmek üçin giňişleýin hiline gözegçilik ulgamyny döretdik. Her kamsaft, önümçilik işiniň her tapgyrynda gaty berk gözegçilik etmek üçin sezewar edilýär. Advanced measuring instruments are used to check the dimensions, roundness, and cylindricity of the journals and cams, ensuring that they meet the design requirements.

    Önümlerimiziň garaşýan ýerlerinden, dwigateller üçin ygtybarly we netijeli öndürijiligiňizden geçjekdigine ynanýarys.


    Gaýtadan işlemek

    Başlangyç material barlagyndan soňky ölçegli barlaglara, her kamsaft köp synaglara geçýär. We employ advanced equipment to measure critical parameters, ensuring compliance with not only our internal standards but also the exacting requirements of engines.Our production facility adheres to international manufacturing norms and is constantly updated with the latest technologies. For the camshaft, we strive to deliver a product that combines reliability, performance, and longevity, meeting the demands of today's automotive industry and providing engine builders with a component they can trust.


    Kamşaft, hereketlendiriji klapesleriniň açylyş we ýapylmagyna takyk gözegçilik edýärkä, hereketlendirijiniň işleýşini artdyrýar. This synchronization ensures optimal air-fuel mixture intake and exhaust gas expulsion, directly contributing to the engine's power output, fuel efficiency, and smooth running. Moreover, the camshaft's robust construction and heat-treated surfaces offer excellent resistance to wear and fatigue, even under extreme operating conditions. This means reduced maintenance requirements and extended service life for the engine.